Thank you very much for your interest in “Find A Twenty”
As you might imagine, with media attention comes MANY businesses who want me to hide a $20 in their place.
I can do that but it will take time. My resources are limited. Let me know and I’ll add you to the long and growing list.
However, I’m willing to “hide” YOUR $20 immediately.
Find a clever spot in your place…hide the $20 and send me a picture which I’ll post on my FB page. You can see how we did that for a shop in Cobleskill here, Howie’s Jewelers here and here and Little Motors here and here.
You might also want to hide other coupons and gift certificates so more than one person has a chance to win.
Send me the pics of all the winners and I’ll also add them to the FB page.
Thank you,
Leo Quinn